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Conflict Mineral Compliance



All U.S. companies who sell conflict minerals are required under the Conflict Minerals Provision of the Dodd Frank Act to examine our supply chain to determine if any materials we purchase originate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and some of it neighboring countries. Tungsten, tantalum, tin and gold fall into the category of conflict minerals.
This act was passed by the U.S. government because some mines in the DRC and neighboring countries are controlled by militant groups causing serious social and environmental issues in the region including serious human right abuses, theft, extortion, forced and child labor.

Marketech International fully supports this legislation and the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)/Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) position to assure that specified minerals are not being sourced from mines in the “Conflict Region”, which is controlled by non-government military groups. Furthermore, Marketech International has adopted the EICC Due Diligence reporting process and obtains chain of custody declarations from all Marketech International sourced and managed suppliers ensuring transparency in our supply chain.

What are Conflict Minerals?

Marketech International Conflict Minerals Policy

Marketech International Compliance Form

Vendor Compliance Form

Conflict Minerals Supplier Training

360-379-6707@mkt-intlEmail Us192 N. Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368